Friday’s Fave Five ~ Brrr…

Welcome to another Friday. It’s time to join Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to share your favorites from this past week!


1. My house is Christmatized. I sometimes dread the process but I love the result. The biggest thing is getting the tree in and decorated. I love the smell of the tree. It’s so nice to sit in the living room with just the lights of the tree and other decorations. I could have decorated more but I am satisfied with what is done.

2. We finally filled the Cd player with some of our favorite Christmas Cd’s and I’ve really enjoyed having the music fill the house. Some of our favorites are Twila Paris –It’s the Thought, Nat King Cole –The Christmas Song, Amy Grant, Selections from Handel’s Messiah, and The Holly and The Ivy-Clare College Choir-Cambridge.

3. Spending lots of time with my daughter. It’s been good. Next week is her last week of college (everyone join us in this cheer “Hip Hip Hooray we no longer have to pay!”) We are happy to see her complete her degree and finish well. This last month has brought some major changes in Katie’s life and it’s good to see her Joy return.


4. It has been freezing in Western Washinton for several days in a row. We are breaking electric and gas consumption records around here. See my icicles coming from the end of my hose? All of that to say that Katie and I were at Fred Meyer yesterday and spotted an end cap display of Snuggie’s. We succombed to the need for warmth and bought a Snuggie! I always laughed at those commercials but now we’re fighting over who gets the Snuggie! A Snuggie or Snuglie is a blanket with sleeves.

5. On Monday night I went to watch our son Josh play an indoor soccer game. He has been playing on a recreational team with some former teammates from high school. It was so much fun to see these boys young men again after 10 years. Lots of hugs and news to share. I spent so many years sitting/standing on the sidelines watching these boys play from elementary to high school. Good times…

Oops…the Poinsettia’s at the top of the post are from Molbak’s Nursery in Woodinville. They always have an amazing display at Christmas of many varieties and they always construct a huge Poinsettia tree. I think I have to go back and take a few more photos…

I’ll be coming around to see what your week held for you. Today I’m braving the cold for a little adventure that I hope will yield some great photos!

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five ~ Brrr…

  1. Congrats to Katie! That is a huge accomplishment.

    It’s cold here to. Yesterday was nice but boy, oh boy is was frigid for a few days before that. The snuggie made me laugh. I too laugh at those commercials and I saw they were on sale in all the flyers. Haven’t succumbed yet, though.

    The pointsetta’s are gorgeous. I love them.

    Linked you up. Don’t know what happened with Mr. LInky.

  2. I LOVE the evenings…all lights off with only the tree lights turned on. I am hearing more people talking about giving in and buying a Snuggie….and they all love it…to sit and do hand work at night with arms well covered….hmmmm. Congratulations to Katie!!! Well done….rejoicing for His joy… It’s so interesting watching our children find their way….He knows the path!

  3. Indeed it has been COLD…now I see possible snow on Saturday…
    oh..I love the Pointsettia Pictures..beautiful..I have never been to Molbaks…
    I have a pink Snuggie…gotta love it…once you get over the fact that you succumbed to BUYING one….

  4. I have been talking about getting a Snuggie. My daughters say no, but if this cold keeps up, I may overrule them!

    Congrats to Katie! May she have a happy and fulfilling future!

    Love the poinsettia pics!

  5. Congrats to Katie–on so many levels! And congrats to the parents too.

    Love the poinsettias!

    While you’re out and about today, be careful of the ice and cold. And don’t let your camera freeze!

  6. Congrats to Katie! With two having finished college, we do know that gleeful feeling of no more school bills! Still paying on college loans for one but should be done before #3 starts.

    We still haven’t decorated yet — hopefully this weekend!

    I love Christmas music, too. And that Snuggie does look warm!

  7. It’s always wonderful to spend time with family and I’m glad you got to with your daughter and congrats to her finishing college. Well done. Boy it sure does look cold my friend. Terrific week you had. Have a wonderful Friday 🙂

  8. It sounds like a great week…from enjoying the Christmas decor (wrapped in a Snuggie…smile) to watching the ‘boys’ play soccer.

    I just picked up a Snuggie as a Christmas gift for my step-mom…it’s what she wanted.

  9. Hello Ellen!

    I’ve enjoyed looking through your blog. My name is Kurt Dicus and I’m the manager of our website. Although it is not public knowledge yet, we will be launching our new website within the next two weeks. One of the things I want is more community involvment. It looks like you are fan of our store. Would you be open to a link on our new site that points to your blog?

    Kurt Dicus
    Manager of Web, Email & CRM
    c. (425) 408-3250

  10. My daughter recently got a snuggie and she loves it. I’m not sold yet, but maybe one day.

    The house is cheery when Christmas is up.

    Sounds like a good week 🙂

  11. Love the photo of the ice on the hose.

    Christmas music, time with your daughter, watching your son play soccer, and warmth available in spite of the weather……great list.

  12. You have me in the mood now. It looks like we’re all experiencing that cold blustery weather and I love today’s snow…
    I’m happy that you can spend time with your daughter. I love that…Making, doing and creating events together.
    Have a great week.

  13. please stop with the gas and electric consumption as you are emitting carbons and green gasses which is causing all this global… – oh wait I just saw Snoqualamie…. I forget – where is it “warming”?

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