Round Robin Challenge ~ Looking Up!

I so enjoy the Round Robin Challenges. Today is the day for Looking Up!

It’s time for a new challenge! How about the one suggested by Robinella, “Looking Up!” Pretty simple concept, grab your cameras, point them toward the sky, and snap, snap, snap! Birds, Bees, Trees, Airplanes, Blimps, Road Signs, Billboards, Satellite Dishes, Grain Silos, the list of possible subjects is endless. On the other hand, maybe you prefer to shoot something representational of the idea of “Looking Up!” In that case, you might photograph something that inspires a motivational mood in you. Something positive that makes you feel like things are LOOKING UP. It’s up to you to interpret the meaning. Just have fun with it.


This shot was taken last week at Hollywood Beach, Channel Islands/Oxnard. The skies were so great that day!


This one is looking up through an old trellis at Heritage Square in Los Angeles.


There was a fire close to us yesterday and the helicopters were keeping a vigilant watch.


I took a stroll through a historic area of Oxnard on Thursday and took this shot looking up at Santa Clara Catholic church. I went inside and the stained glass and ceiling were amazing. I guess that would be looking up so maybe I’ll add one of those, also.

To see more Round Robin Challenge Posts click here.

Have a great weekend all you Robins!

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

23 thoughts on “Round Robin Challenge ~ Looking Up!

  1. All of your shots are great but the inside of the church with the arched ceiling is STUNNING! Makes me want to redo my entry. Thanks great job.

  2. Hi Ellen,

    Thank you for these gorgeous pictures. You did well for the theme of Looking Up. Love every single one of them, I can see where your passion is…..

    Love your Blog, brilliant!!

    Have a good weekend.

  3. Hi Ellen 🙂

    Every photo, just as lovely as the previous. I especially enjoyed the church, and the flowers on the fence, but the clouds over the beach is just stunning! So nicely done. 🙂 Thank you for playing, we enjoy your participation very much.


  4. all of these were great; couldn’t pick one out of them that would be my favorite; definitely liked the helicopter one (hope the fire is put out) and the one at the beach; that is an awesome sky!


  5. Love that wild sky at the beach, the arched ceilings at Santa Clara, and I can’t help it, but the robin mug is really “my cuppa tea” (but fill it with coffee). Thanks for sharing these great pics with us.


  6. Hey I just love the church, especially the inside shot. I also think the robins on the cup are very cute. Funny, I have a similar cup with images of bluebells and the word inside.
    Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  7. Beautiful! The first one looks like Vermeer’s View of Delft. I’ve also appreciated the spirituality of your last two looking up shots.

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