Joyful, Joyeux, Joy…

…can’t get enough of these great words beginning with J. My weekend was filled with many joyful moments. It was my birthday weekend and I celebrated with friends and family.

2015-03-16 64 + kudri3

That one card I received pictured top left was hilarious. “It’s Birthday!, Blow out candles and make wish for good thing! Won’t get but is fun tradition anyway. Wishing you to have Happy Birthday”

2015-03-16 64 + kudri2

Still going on the Russian theme I received this fabulous apron and kitchen towel from my daughter in law’s mother. Thank you Pat! So sweet that she thought of me when she saw these Matryoshka themed gifts. Things like this from my heritage give me joy.

Project house 007

I was overloaded with gifts including a tasty meal out from our dear friends, Dave and Beth. This Gusla with the beautiful painted Russian Fairy Tale scene was part of the things Beth brought for me or someone in my family to enjoy. It’s a great instrument that is simple to play with cards that slip under the strings showing you the strings to strum playing the tune. I played Happy Birthday to Me on my birthday morning feeling quite accomplished!


On Sunday afternoon we drove to downtown Seattle for dinner and live Irish music at Fado, an Irish pub with our oldest, youngest and their fabulous spouses. Our middle son lives 6 hours away so he couldn’t join us but he sent along a card. The company and music was fabulous. I received such wonderful written notes from each of our children that really brought me so much joy.


The food was good, too. A little Irish and a little Russian made for a nice meeting of two cultures!

And I’ll end this post with my ABC Bible Verse Card for the letter J!


Knowing I have a God who does not change and who is faithful brings me a lot of joy and peace.

Linking up with ABC Wednesday with thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and her ABC team who keep things going each week.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

19 thoughts on “Joyful, Joyeux, Joy…

  1. I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday…(and i am nice and not even asking how old you just turned…:)
    You have such a good looking family…and I, too, am so glad our God is always the same loving God.

  2. Happy belated birthday dear Ellen! I’ve been away and trying to catch up on reading your amazing posts and heritage pictures – what a treasure trove!!! You are so wonderful at documenting and recording history and travels. Happy St. Patty’s day to ya!

  3. Firstly… And a very very happy birthday to you, i wish you many joyful and blessed years to follow.

    Secondly… we’ve chosen the same word… simply, its the most beautiful word that starts with a J 😉

  4. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful celebration with family and I adore your Russian themed gifts (especially since that is your heritage!) And J is definitely for Jesus…He brings the greatest joy!!!!

  5. Happy St Patty’s day to you and yours and a belated happy Birthday. Your like me, I believe in celebrating as well. I see you are one year behind my dear SIL Bev. So thankful for the JOY that comes from knowing the TRUE SOURCE of JOY. Blessings to you.

  6. I love how your life is filled with joy and how you bring it back to the source of joy in Jesus who will continue to be there into your 65th year!

  7. So glad that your birthday was filled with joy!! I love the instrument, the Gusla. I was not familiar with that name. My daughter Bekah has one that was simply called a lap harp. “Gusla” is much more interesting! 🙂

  8. Happy Belated Birthday! It is nice to hear about at how families can pulled together just in order to make it a special day for someone so dear to them. Thank you for sharing your Letter J.

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