Early Summer Delights!

A day at the lake. (Thank you, Jamie, for this great photo!)

Look carefully to spot the young quail.

Shade cloth up and doing it’s magic making it pleasant to sit out on the deck.

I love the cool of the mornings and listening to all the birds singing.

We rested from our labors on Sunday but the days prior we did a lot of work outside tackling some weeds, weed cloth and mowing the lawn. We are back to a watering regiment since we haven’t had rain the last few days. Do you have to water?

Have a good week!


About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

14 thoughts on “Early Summer Delights!

  1. I love hearing the early morning birds singing. Pretty views of the lake and your garden.

    Cute photos of your grandchildren and the Quail family. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Ellen, your pictures are beautiful…the colors are so rich in your flowers…and the first picture of the grandchildren is precious indeed. We had rain last night for the first time in a couple of weeks and everything was getting dry, to the point that my husband was needing to water some of the garden. It was so nice to get up this morning and see the gardens nice and wet.

  3. Your property looks like a peaceful place to enjoy and appreciate God´s beauty. I´m glad your Sunday was restful. Isn´t it great to take a break after a day of working? We don´t water our grass but we water and vegetable/ flower plants that we want to survive- they wouldn´t without our watering them. Late spring and summer tend to be very dry months.

  4. Things sure looking great out your way. You have a beautiful place to sit outside.

    Don’t have to water here – rained a bunch last night.

  5. Haha -well, when I read your question, “Do you have to water?” I remembered that I was going to water a few plants before sundown, that had looked dry this afternoon, so I jumped up and went out to do that. And it’s “trash night,” so I took the cans out to the street, too 🙂

    Most of my garden is on automatic drip irrigation but I have to water all the potted plants, and sometimes it seems that not enough water is dripping in various places.

    Your summer views of your property are very inviting. ❤

  6. Ellen – I have to water the pots with annuals, and places that I have transplanted perennials. But the vast majority of my garden is native and quite drought tolerant. Love the photos with the Clematis – beautiful!

    Question for you – do you get notified of my blog posts automatically, or do you have a routine to check periodically?

    • Hi Angie, I depend on my Feedly to let me know when new posts come up from those of you whom I follow. I’m thinking the links aren’t showing up because I haven’t seen anything from you in a while. I’ll head to your blog and see if I can subscribe via email, instead of counting on Feedly.

      • Ellen – I am not asking because you missed a post – I was asking because you are so prompt in commenting when I do post, and I wondered how you know … My sister-in- law would like to follow me, and I am not sure how to help her with that since she is not a blogger. Ideas?

    • Hi Angie, Does your blog platform offer a subscribe option where someone signs up with their email address and then they are automatically sent an email with a link to your latest post? That would be the easiest.

  7. You have such a gorgeous yard. Your hard work has paid off!

    I do have to water. But I actually enjoy it, being outside in the cool evenings, watching the sunset. At least in the beginning of spring. By September it’s become a chore. 🙂

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