California Girl Hodgepodge

The summery edition of questions are ready for Hodgepodge Wednesday. Thank you, Joyce.

1. It’s National Splurge Day…what’s something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? 

I’ll splurge on anything related to our grandchildren or children. I’ll splurge on fruit out of season. We splurge on buying good ice cream.

2. Do you have a beach bag? What’s in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

I have a bag that could work at the beach but the answer to all these questions is no.

Even though I was born and raised in Southern California spending many hours at the beach with family and friends, the beach is not on my bucket list for Summer. I now prefer the beach in winter. I love early morning walks along the shore. I do not foresee spending time at any beaches this summer. I do look forward to being on a beach or two in Scotland in September, Lord willing.

I have moved on from being a California girl to being a Country girl.

3. What’s a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

California Girls by the Beach Boys and other songs that were popular from the 60’s. It brings back memories of the sand and sea and cocoa butter or baby oil, and playing ‘Hearts’ on the beach. If we knew then what we know now would we have slathered that stuff on our bodies to get a tan??

Here’s our California Girl…she was born in Ventura, California.

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what’s your go-to order? 

Nay. A California roll might be something I’d eat.

5. I own a ridiculous amount of ________.

Tablecloths, napkins, napkin rings, plates, candle holders.

I have downsized some of these items lately!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of the beach…

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

22 thoughts on “California Girl Hodgepodge

  1. I used to love all the Beach Boy songs. I avoid the beaches in the summer too, I do not enjoy the crowds of people. Beautiful photos. Take care, have a great day!

  2. We recently watched the Brian Wilson flick with Jon Cusak. It was pretty good and I didn’t know a lot about the influence of his wife in getting him away from a Dr. who did more harm than good. That is a beautiful picture! Enjoy your day!

  3. I enjoyed your pictures. We did a Bible page with that verse in the Bible. Peace, be still! I am a So CA girl with a country heart. I used to have more tablescape decor, but when we downsized, I left some with the new owner since we left her our dining table. Enjoy your weekend, Ellen.

  4. Yes, it is certainly fun splurging on the grandchildren. Enjoy your trip to Scotland. That’s a good song choice and yes I wish I had used lotion instead of baby oil back in the day. Love your California girl. It does help to downsize. I can’t say I used those things much. Love your random.

  5. Love your photos!

    Oh the beach. My happy place. We’re going to LA in a couple weeks and are planning a day in San Diego to visit friends and family. I’ve told Chuck, I want to jump the waves. Something I did growing up and something our family has done every chance we get. I may not be able to ride the loop roller coasters anymore, or go jogging like I used to, but I want to jump waves for as long as I’m able.

  6. Walks on the beach are among my favorite things to do, but that doesn’t happen much here in WV. And when we were in Maine recently it was the first visit that we didn’t make it to the beach.

    Love your own random thought you inserted at the end. It fits perfectly with the theme here today.

    • Dianna, a trip to the beach is not an easy accomplishment these days living in Washington State. When I visit my sister, Vera, in Southern California it is easy and nice to stroll the pier at Huntington Beach. Thank you for stopping by here and for your comment.

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