Say Cheese Hodgepodge

Joyce has a new set of questions to get our brains going for Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. It’s National Cheese Day (June 4)…does anyone not like cheese? What’s your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? 

We do keep cheese around and enjoy it. I enjoy sharp cheddar, gouda, swiss and a specialty cheese thrown in here and there. The last thing I ate with cheese was a cheese and meat roll-up. Not too exciting. We enjoy Mexican food that seems to have a lot of cheese. Cheese filled Blintzes or cheese filled Vareniki are my favorites. We do enjoy a good cheesecake, too.


2. Last time you were instructed to ‘say cheese!’? How do you feel about having your picture taken? 

This probably happened the weekend we were on the other side of the mountains with our ‘coast’ kids. I’m okay with having my photo taken digitally since we can see the results immediately and know right away if we need a re-do! 🙂

3. What’s your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink?

Depends on where we are going and the form of transportation. If we are driving somewhere I’m not concerned with throwing in everything we might need on the trip. When we are traveling internationally the strategy is totally different. We try to take as little as possible and only take one small rolling bag and a backpack. We purchased smaller lighter weight bags with great rolling ease for our last trip overseas and didn’t regret it.

When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

We generally are okay with checking a bag when traveling. When there are connecting flights we try to carry-on so our bags don’t get sent off to a different location than our final destination.

4. What is it about people’s cell phone habits that you find most annoying? 

It is annoying when people talk loudly on their phones in a restaurant or other indoor public space.

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? 

Eat less, exercise more.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The end of this week we are participating in a group garage sale and I’ve been busy pricing our stuff for that. Today we deliver all of our stuff to the site and set things up. Having a group that trades shifts to man the sale is a huge bonus. Continuing in the process of downsizing our stash of stuff has great rewards. I’ll be slow getting around to everyone this week.

Happy June, Hodgepodgers!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

17 thoughts on “Say Cheese Hodgepodge

  1. We need to purchase a new bag before our flight in September. Those blintzes looks so good. I’ve never made them, but love to eat them! Have a nice day!

  2. Good point about re-dos on photos since they’re digital. I noticed that Google photos does a “stack” now, where similar shots are grouped so you can figure which one is best and delete the rest. I really like that.

  3. I hope your garage sale goes well! They are so much work but worth it. Digital photos are such an upgrade from the film days of old. I almost always take a few of the same pose and am generally glad that I did. Someone´s eyes are often closed in one of the pictures and I am glad that I usually get one good one. My people tend to scatter after I take pictures so getting re-dos is not always possible.

  4. We had a garage sale last year. My husband called it a driveway sale, because we had it all displayed and set up on the driveway. Ha Ha. Good luck, and I hope you do well. We also are trying to downsize.

    Love your family photo.


  5. In 40 years of marriage, we have had one garage sale. Mark said he never wanted to have another one . . . and we haven’t haha! Our neighborhood does a neighborhood garage sale twice a year and the streets are always clogged with cars on those days.

  6. mmm, that top photo looks delicious! I hide from the camera whenever possible…

    I don’t travel much these days. Dan and I used to travel quite a lot but those days are gone.

    Great slogan! One I should probably adopt! Have a great week Ellen!

  7. We sure do like cheese around here. I had a cheese sandwich for lunch. 🙂

    I’m not crazy about getting my picture taken. I always look so OLD. 🙂

  8. Okay Lady, where is the recipe for those delicious looking rollups? I’m trying to decide on something light for dinner (supper in the south) and they might just hit the spot. When we moved three years ago, two of my neighborhood friends offered to come and do a garage sale for me. They didn’t have to ask twice. I ended up giving them anything they wanted out of gratitude. Hope yours goes well.

  9. All of your cheese dishes sound good to me. Almost anything is made better with cheese! I agree with you on digital photography. Remember taking a whole roll of film and having no idea what you were going to get? That sounds like the dark ages, doesn’t it? 🙂

    Best wishes for your garage sale! Downsizing our possessions is a great idea.

  10. I love your family picture! I need to eat less carbs and exercise more. I need to make sure I get enough protein and trying to find more nonmeat options. I am working on decluttering my garage. I don’t like when cell phones go off in church.

  11. Looks delicious. You’re making me hungry. Cute photo. Good for you on your packing. I’m terrible at it. I agree with you on the people talking on their phones. I like your summer montra. Way to go on the garage sale and downsizing.

  12. Cheese fans here! Bill just read a recipe for cheese cake to me (he said he’d make it when we get back to Oregon and have family to help us eat it. ) Good idea, because here we’d just do it ourselves. We had a cheese omelet for breakfast this morning. Sallie

  13. Boy, I’m really late commenting on this one. I’m on vacation so didn’t post to this weeks, so I figured I’d go back and comment on this HP. I enjoyed your answers. I agree about it being nice with digital photos and retaking. LOVE that. I had to look up what vareniki was. Sounds really good.

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