An Old Mind Hodgepodge

Our daffodils have finally pushed out some blooms! I love it when this happens.

It’s that time again…Wednesday Hodgepodge. Thank you to Joyce From This Side of the Pond!

1. What’s a talent you wish you had? 

Retention! I wish my brain retained things I read and hear more easily. Is that a talent?

2. In one word, what’s your state of mind right now? 

3. What’s the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year?

Getting our septic system pumped. It will happen this year.

4. Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day…did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What’s your favorite kind of jelly? 

No PBJ celebrations here. I do not eat it weekly. I eat it when I crave it. Lately I like PB on a toasted muffin with honey. Raspberry jam and strawberry jam are my favorites.

5. Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you? 

Generally no, I’m not easily intimidated. The thing that does intimidate me is having to speak in front of a crowd larger than 10 people.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We had to leave early on Monday of this week for a follow-up appointment for Greg in Spokane. It was a beautiful day. After the appointment we parked close to this amazing building thinking about having lunch at a nearby restaurant. We were frustrated since all the parking meters now want you to scan something to pay using your phone/app. Oye…I’m old. We just decided to drive away and go somewhere with a parking lot.

Here’s a little info on Spokane’s Castle Courthouse.

“You might not expect to come upon a castle while visiting Spokane, but that is exactly what you will do if you visit the Spokane County courthouse. Most of us associate such architecture with romantic old castles in Europe, or perhaps something out of the world of Walt Disney or fairy tales. To find such a building in the center of a modern, growing regional hub city such as Spokane is a bit startling. How did this come about? You’d expect such a building must have a colorful past, and our courthouse does not disappoint!”

Next time we are close to this building I want to walk around it and also go inside of it.

More info about this Spokane County courthouse Castle can be found here.

Happy April everyone!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

15 thoughts on “An Old Mind Hodgepodge

  1. Pretty daffodils. The courthouse is a beautiful building. My memory is not the best for retaining information, I have been that way all my life, it seems. I wish I knew how to make it better. We just had our septic tank cleaned out yesterday! Now it is good for 2years. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. I love old buildings like that. I would have done the same with the parking spot. Crazy! Our daffodils are pretty much done here in Missouri. I agree with the Retention. Sometimes I just can’t “hold on things”. I hope you have a blessed day!

  3. Retention truly is a gift from God at my age. Some days it’s better than others, but I can truly relate to how you feel about it.

    I hope that all went well with Greg’s appointment on Monday.

  4. What a beautiful building! I’m really bad about retaining information too. I can read a book and then read it again a couple years later and it’s almost like reading a new book.

  5. The daffodils are so pretty. OMG, I could use retention too! Enjoyed reading your answers. Hope the appointment went well. That sucks about the meters. Wow, the castle is amazing.

  6. Retaining what I’ve read has always been an issue for me, and of course it is worse now that I am old. Oh my, that courthouse is amazing. I look forward to going back and reading about it. And, I would have done exactly what you did regarding the meter. I suppose cities no longer want to pay meter maids and collect coins, but I can’t abide using an app for everything.

  7. Beautiful daffodils – a sure sign of spring.

    The talent I wish I had was singing. I love to sing all the old hymns!!

  8. Peanut butter and honey is a delicious combination! I have a spoonful of it almost every day! That building is beautiful and I find it strange I don’t remember it from any of our trips to Spokane, but it has been a long time since we were there. Hope you get to take a closer look on your next visit!

  9. Oh my – that courthouse is beautiful!!! Love your answers and concur with you on the parking meteors!!

  10. So pretty! We never made it to that part of the state when my daughter was there, although they did a 3 month stint in Spokane. My son-in-law did a rotation at Shriners Hospital there during his residency and they liked the area. Completely different than the Tacoma side of the state. I kind of hate that we have to use our phones for everything now. It’s often convenient, but also feels like crossing some kind of line in many ways too. Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Oh, retention…that’s good. I don’t have a great memory, and I wish I had recall abilities. It is frustrating how society assumes we are all “up with the times”, though I did hear a quote by a 103 year old nun, saying “if you’re not moving forward, you’ll get left behind real quick”. I guess we have to choose what to keep up with and what not to. Beautiful photo of the court house. Wow. Stunning.

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