Goodbye August

Another week of soccer for these two. Because of our smoke filled week a while back, soccer was extended to next week which will make for a very full week with the beginning of Homeschool Co-op and Awana!

Finally… I finished this puzzle which was harder than many with the coloring and the fact that all the pieces were similar!

It was okay that it took so long since our dining table was not in heavy demand in August. It will be cleared off for dinner tonight with our local kids and grands.

Welcome to September which will be a full month for us. Fall ministries are starting up at church. Awana, Women’s Bible Study, Mops, Women’s Retreat and Connection Groups are all happening in September.  Our Grands and their mom will be full speed ahead with Homeschool and Co-op.  A milestone birthday for someone in the family is coming up. We are also gearing up for a trip to a land we’ve never been to before. More details to follow soon.

What does September hold for you?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

10 thoughts on “Goodbye August

  1. What happy little soccer players you have there! That certainly is a magnificent jigsaw puzzle you have done. I also enjoyed jigsaw puzzling, but I do tend to keep it mostly to the winter months. Thank you for stopping by my blog I do appreciate it.
    your friend in Wales. Debbie.

  2. I saw that castle in Scotland! What a nice picture for a jigsaw puzzle. Your grandchildren are lucky to have you so involved in their days. I’ll see some of mine in September but this month it’s for a wedding instead of soccer.

  3. Great puzzle and looks like a challenge.
    Hard to believe it is Sept already.
    Nothing special happening around here.
    Just enjoying each new day and thankful we live here in the woods.

  4. I’m still admiring your lovely puzzle. We have one on our table that we have worked several times over the years. It’s nice to see the children enjoying themselves. Good luck to them as Autumn brings new beginnings.

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