Smoke and Puzzles

All these sets of photos show what our view could be and what we usually enjoy contrasted to what those similar views look like with our smoke filled skies.

As you can guess the air quality is not good for working hard or exercising so I’ve added putting together some of my puzzles to my daily ‘things to do’ list.


I finished this one which was very enjoyable to put together.

This next one is a lot tougher and I don’t gravitate to the dining room table as often as with the London puzzle.

This one is of Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland. Hopefully I can face the sky in this one soon.

What’s new in your corner?

Update: I just woke up to the glorious sound of rain! Thank you, Lord. It’s been raining steadily for a while and there are already puddles. Hoping the rain will make a huge dent in the fires in our region and that the rain continues north to British Columbia to help with their fires, too. 

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

9 thoughts on “Smoke and Puzzles

  1. Great puzzles. I’m so sorry you’re having all that smoke trouble. Thank God for the rain and I hope it really helps to stop the fires.

  2. I’m so glad to hear you have rain, Ellen. Those pictures are so telling how awful the air quality is in your area. I love the London puzzle-now I’m sure the sky by now in your next puzzle is solved. Take care.

  3. That looks like a fun puzzle.
    I was just looking at our collection of puzzles. We wait to get started on puzzles with the first falling of snow.
    Not pleasant having those smoking skies.
    Hopefully the rain cleared things up a bit for you.

  4. We also got rain at night and it was wonderful to smell the fresh air! We’ve had those same smoky views here too. I can’t imagine what those who have had to evacuate feel like, wondering what to take and will they ever see their home again?

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