Happy News Hodgepodge!

1. Let’s all think happy thoughts…share one of yours here. 
We have the best of news that we have permission to share now with the world. Dear and I are grandparents for the first time and will  be able to see our new little granddaughter for the first time in person sometime in March or April depending on when she pops out. Even though our little granddaughter is not born yet we consider her our granddaughter already as God is wonderfully forming her right now.
2. There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “If you want happiness for an hour take a nap, if you want happiness for a day-go fishing….” What say you? If you want happiness for a day _____________.
10570497_10211352172425902_7840964481559702568_nThis is my 93 year old Pop and what he’ll tell you is if you want happiness you need to Love the Lord your God and follow Him all the days of your life because He will give you the contentment you need everyday whatever comes your way.
3. Where do you go to decompress from the world around you? 
One of my favorite things to do to decompress is go out into a part of the world I haven’t seen before. A little day trip works better than Calgon in a bath! In the last couple months we explored Discovery Park in Seattle and took a Fall drive to the Skagit Valley north of us.
 4. What song never fails to make you happy? 
Our daughter, the bride, singing heartily at her wedding.
Songs/music are one of my love languages. I’m tempted to have conversations using lyrics. I met my husband in a music group. My church youth choir has an album and recordings that were broadcast behind the Iron Curtain back when there was an Iron Curtain. Whenever my extended family gets together we end up singing at least one or two songs in harmony, in Russian and English. We passed out music to two songs (The Battle Hymn of the Republic -groom’s choice and Come Thou Fount -Bride’s choice) at our daughter’s wedding during the reception and had the guests all sing together and then my family sang one in Russian, too.
This Beatles tune always makes me smile and especially so on my 64th birthday!

“When I’m Sixty Four”

When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
If I’d been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I’m sixty-four? You’ll be older too
And if you say the word
I could stay with you I could be handy, mending a fuse
When your lights have gone
You can knit a sweater by the fireside
Sunday mornings go for a ride
Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I’m sixty-four? Every summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight
If it’s not too dear
We shall scrimp and save
Grandchildren on your knee
Vera, Chuck & Dave Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Yours sincerely, wasting away
Give me your answer, fill in a form
Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I’m sixty-four?
5. Wednesday is National Fast Food Day. Should that be a thing? Apparently it is, so tell us what’s the last ‘fast food’ you consumed? If you were putting together your own version of a ‘happy meal’ what would you include?

Does a Costco rotisserie chicken count as fast food? Now that we are empty nesters and almost retired we don’t do fast food unless we are desperate or have a craving for fries. Now if I lived close to an In n Out I’d be really tempted for one of their burgers and fries. The animal version. An Animal Style burger also includes extra Thousand Island spread, mustard grilled patties, and extra pickles.
 6. In a few sentences tell us why you blog.
My younger brother encouraged me to start a blog way back in March of 2007. At that time he had a blog and knew I visited many blogs and left comments. I also would send emails of encouragement to family. He basically said that I already was blogging but I just didn’t have a blog yet and needed one. Blogging gives me the opportunity to use my gift of encouragement and also an outlet for creativity. My blog is more interesting than I am in person.
The above photo was taken on the day my brother set up my blog back in 2007.
 7. List seven things you’re feeling especially grateful for today.
Here are my seven: Our developing granddaughter, Our home church, Our children and their spouses, Friends that we can be ourselves with, my dear old pop and his love for the Lord, My sister and her family who are caring for my pop in their home, my husband “Dear” and his integrity.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am looking forward to our Thanksgiving days next week. Our kids from Eastern Washington are traveling across the pass to spend a few days with us. We will enjoy a huge Thanksgiving gathering with friends on the day of and then some smaller celebrations with our immediate family here in our home.
Thank you to Joyce from This Side of the Pond for Hodgepodge Wednesday. She comes up with the questions and we come up with the answers.
About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

23 thoughts on “Happy News Hodgepodge!

  1. Ellen! How wonderful to hear about your coming granddaughter! You two will have so much fun with her!


    On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 6:30 AM, The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b. wrote:

    > Ellen posted: “1. Let’s all think happy thoughts…share one of yours > here. We have the best of news that we have permission to share now with > the world. Dear and I are grandparents for the first time and will be able > to see our new little granddaughter for the fir” >

  2. Hi Ellen…sure enjoyed reading your answers this morning! Great to have you join us for Hodgepodge! Sounds like you have a wonderful Thanksgiving planned!

  3. *Squeal* Oh, Ellen, how could you keep a secret like that so long? Wonderful, exciting news! Nothing will ever be the same again in the most wonderful ways. Love that photo of Katie singing at her wedding. Warm congrats all around…

  4. Hi Ellen,
    What wonderful news you have to share, you’ll have many happy days ahead as a Grandma. Sounds like you have a wonderful family and a great thanksgiving to look forward too. Have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  5. Oh Ellen – I am giddy with excitement for you and Dear – the bestest news of all!!!! It is just amazing how much love there is even before they are born. Your hodgepodge answers are brilliant. I especially feel like you on “my blog is more interesting than I am” one. I totally feel like that most days. Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and hugs to all!

  6. Great post…full of many good things! Sharing in your joy about becoming grandparents, smiling at ‘your happy song’…and nodding at your dad’s advice for happiness!

  7. This is super exciting news! You will LOVE being grandparents-I know from personal experience:) BTW, it was a joy seeing your happy post today! I loved what your Pop would say about finding happiness – so true!
    Blessings, Aimee

  8. Ellen!! ::happy squeals:: Your news is SO exciting!! You are going to love the world of grandparenthood!! Congratulations to all of you! I love how you say that you already have a granddaughter, because it is so true…you are just waiting to meet her in person!

    What a happy hodgepodge! 😀

  9. Congratulations indeed! Such an exciting new chapter in the your family’s book. There are clearly many, many interesting preceding chapters, from Russia to Seattle!

  10. Congratulations of the expected granddaughter news! I don’t think anything in life can compare to being a grandparent–it really is the greatest joy!

    PS: Happy 64th birthday!

  11. I love your announcement photo! There is joy written all over their faces and I can only imagine your excitement! So much to look forward to! There is one thing I don’t agree with what you said. You say that your blog is more interesting than you are as a person and that is not true! Your blog is very much who you are, but I am so glad I also know you as a person, the wonderful friend you are.

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