Y is for Yellowstone!

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Smarter than the average Bear! Smart or not we planned a last minute trip to Yellowstone National Park making reservations on Monday and heading out on Wednesday last week. We drove from Washington State to Missoula, Montana our first day.



On our second day we drove to the North entrance of Yellowstone through Gardiner, Montana where the original entrance to the park stands as a monument.

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We didn’t see any bears much to my delight and Dear’s disappointment.  We started our visit at the Mammoth Hot Springs and continued south stopping along the way to see some beautiful sights before checking in at the Old Faithful Inn. Many of our stops will deserve a post of their own. Stay tuned for Old Faithful and other geysers and waterfalls and Bison and lakes, oh my.

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We just got home Monday afternoon and I will edit my photos and decide which to post in the near future. This was both my and Dear’s first visit to Yellowstone National Park and we were amazed at the variety of sights with easy access and easy parking along the roadways. The geyser basins, the waterfalls, the steam and mud pools and the animals grazing were all a sight to see. Yellowstone is a national treasure.

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I’m linking up to ABC Wednesday started by Mrs. Nesbitt and administered by the ABC Team.

Also linking up to Tuesday’s Treasures with Tom The Backroads Traveler.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

23 thoughts on “Y is for Yellowstone!

  1. That is one fabulous spur-of-the-moment trip Ellen! Wow. We love Yellowstone (as who would not) and I look forward to seeing more of it through your eyes because it’s been a few years since we’ve been there!

  2. Hello Ellen! So much to see and enjoy in this treasured area! You’ve whet my appetite for a visit!
    What views and panoramas to take in!
    Have a great week!

  3. Oh my…when I got to thinking about Yellowstone, I realized it’s been over 30 years since we were there. Now that’s far too long.
    Beautiful photos of a beautiful place.

  4. Ellen, I would not be surprised if Yellowstone National Park was on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thanks for showing these photos.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  5. What a fascinating place and such beautiful scenery,
    but no Yogi Bear and BoBo and not forgetting Mr Ranger!
    Looking forward to the next set of pictures..
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

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