
…if I have to say so myself.

salsa - croissant 001

For a close up of this Avocado Mango Salsa and the easy recipe head over to Mennonite Girls Can Cook.

We had to cancel our small group meeting tonight due to the lingering bug at this old house. I feel quite unmotivated to do much of anything. Hope you are all well and the weather is improving where you are. We are in a steady rain pattern with threats of flooding and mudslides.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

5 thoughts on “Delicious…

  1. Yuck. Bugs, lingering or otherwise, are never fun. I hope you’re able to have a time of rest and restoration, and that you’ll soon be as good as new!

    Your salsa does look bright and cheerful! Yum!

  2. Oh Ellen – I’m down for the count too!!! Just couldn’t drag myself in to work today – ugh! On the bright side I’m working on finishing a quilt top with my kleenex box and cough syrup nearby!

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