Tablescape Thursday ~ Easter Revisited

For some of you that visit my blog regularly this will be a repeat. It’s time for Susan’s Tablescape Thursday so I wanted to post my actual Easter table for this week. Were you aware that tulips continue growing even after they are cut and placed in a vase?


I just realized that about all my tulips as I trimmed the stems each day when I added fresh water and they were taller the next day!


My centerpiece is the Traditional Russian Easter Bread (Kulich or Paska), Colored Eggs, and hollow Chocolate Russian Matryoshka dolls.


The china is Royal Albert Moss Rose.

We used our International 1812 Sterling. The stemware and napkin rings are Target clearance. Napkins are from a thrift store and the tablecloth is from Goodwill at $4.99. The runner is also from Goodwill but I forget what I paid.


Our traditional molded sweet cheese spread that is called Seerney Paska in Russian. The XB is for Христос Воскрес (Christos Voskress), Christ is Risen!

We squeezed 12 around the table and had a wonderful time celebrating the Resurrection of Christ!

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

29 thoughts on “Tablescape Thursday ~ Easter Revisited

  1. Ellen, I love your Royal Albert china. Love your centerpiece and all the beautiful food! Your mosaic is absolutely gorgeous!
    Blessings, Beth

  2. What a beautiful table. I love that cake. And yes, I’ve even measured cut tulips in a vase because I thought my eyes were deceiving me. They do grow!

  3. Ellen, This is such a beautiful table. I spotted the paska right away. I am from a Polish/Hungarian background and we traditionally have paska too. Yours is lovely and it is the star of your lovely table!

    I am taken with your china. It is perfect with this wonderful table. Royal Albert Moss Rose- I’m on the lookout for that now!

    Your table is such a fabulous tribute to our Risen Savior and your heritage.
    What a pleasure to visit you!

  4. That looks amazing, Ellen. It was nice to have them both fall on the same day this year..Your traditional foods are as lovely as the table.
    I am glad you had a glorious Easter!

  5. What a pretty tablescape Ellen..
    I did not know that tulips grew after they were cut..still learning new things:)

  6. Ellen-You did have a full table–the best kind! I love the individual tulip vases and had no idea they would continue to grow–very interesting. I think the molded cheese spread is my favorite. It is so interesting to learn about other traditions. Thank you for sharing this 🙂


    MY, THIS JUST SUCH A HAPPY, PRETTY AND ELEGANT EASTER TABLESCAPE!.., The flowers, the china, the pretty cakes its all just fabulous; so very lovely!

    Please pop by for a visit!

    Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this! I love seeing how other cultures celebrate the same holiday with different traditions. I love the centerpiece. The sweet cheese spread looks yummy!

  9. What a pretty, festive table! I love that embroidered runner, and it works so well with your lovely china. Setting tulips by all the placesettings is such a great idea — just gorgeous! I also enjoyed seeing all the Russian traditions.

  10. What a gorgeous Easter table, and I didn’t know that about tulips continuing to grow after they’re cut. I love your runner and the bunnies and the cake.

  11. Stunning table! I’ve never seen the chocolate dolls. What a nice addition.
    I’ve just discovered your blog but will return.


  12. The runner looked like a family heirloom — until you said it was from Goodwill! Great find. Your table is beautiful.

  13. What a gorgeous table. I just love your beautiful Easter bread and the dolls surrounding them. Your tablcloth and the tulips all around are exquisite. My best friend since I was a little girl is also Russian and I was always invited to their home for Russian Easter. What a beautiful celebration!! This year I celebrated Bright Monday with them. Cheers, Lia

  14. I love (LOVE!) it! You have a gift and I am fighting very hard not to be envious! 🙂 I hosted two other couples for our Easter lunch, “orphans” like us without any family in town, but my table looked nothing like yours! Actually, we all ended up crowding out on the back porch to eat because it was so gorgeous outside!

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