Metamorphosis Monday With Blue ~

For this weeks Monday Posts I’m combining Met with Blue. Susan at Between Naps on the Porch and Sally at Smiling Sally are the hostesses of these two weekly events. Met Monday is all about transformations, before and afters. Blue Monday is anything Blue.

We have been on the lookout for some bookcases to replace a small folding one we’ve been using between our living room and dining room. We wanted to add some width and height to the space. On Valentine’s day we found the bookcases at Target and Dear put them together.




Both Dear and I think this space has a more “grown-up” look now instead of college dorm.



Some closer shots of the shelves where I can put some of my china, too. See the blue :0)?


The photos in this frame got a “Met” job too. I purchased mats and shuffled the photos. These are our children. I really like the transformation with the added black mats.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog today. Have a great week.

For more Metamorphosis Monday visit Susan here.  For more Blue Monday visit Sally here.

Photobucket is holding all my photos I stored with them from 2007-2015 hostage unless I pay them a lot of money. I’m slowly cleaning up many posts from this time period and deleting their ugly grey and black boxes with a ransom request. Such a time consuming bother.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

57 thoughts on “Metamorphosis Monday With Blue ~

  1. Hi Ellen! Oh, how lovely this looks! Dear did an excellent job of putting this together and you did an outstanding job of dressing up those puppies. You have a beautiful family, too! Oh, I’m so happy for you – this looks so pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  2. Love what you’ve done and wow, your china collection is wonderful. I covet your shelving…my books are taking over and I really need some great bookcases.

  3. Hi Ellen B.,
    So that’s what you’ve been up too! Very nice! The space does feel more grown up which is a good thing, especially when you have two grown-ups living in the house. I love your color choices.

    Did Katie do OK over the weekend? I’ve been praying for her!

    🙂 Cori G.

  4. Ellen, I must say that Dear did a great job, and yes, I do see your blue and love it! This was a great metamorphsis. Enjoyed seeing it!

    Happy Blue Met Monday!


    Sheila 🙂

  5. Good find!! The new bookcase is a big improvement!! I really like the dark colour and the sort of “layered” look of the bookcase behind the chair.

    The black matted photos have more presence now too 🙂


  6. Ellen, what a difference you made,I love the display of the tea cups and have a beautiful family.Thank you for your kind words on Debs blog about my pantry. kathysue

  7. You’re right! That really dressed up your area. I would have never guessed that was from Target. I love your picture frame, it looks perfect there, too. ~ Robyn

  8. Target? What a great find! It is perfect for that spot. It anchors it and it has more space for display too. Great job with the matting on the photos, and I like that little shelf above the bookcase. You managed to include quite a lot of blue in this today! Some great ideas Ellen.

  9. What an incredible job you have done with just rearranging a few accessories and moving furniture. It look wonderful and inviting. I love the way you have displayed your teacups and china pieces. Great transformation~ warmly, Alisa

  10. Ellen…love the changes…really changed the whole look and feel of the area. I loved getting a peak at your bookshelves…you did a great job! You’re children are beautiful! Thanks for a great Met Monday post today! Susan

  11. You don’t know me and I don’t know you. I am a 25 year old mother of 2 under 4 years old. I just wanted to tell you that looking over your site is very inspiring. I just told my husband…I would love to spend a day with this woman and just enjoy her company. From the pictures of your home and your various comments, you seem like someone that I could learn so much from. It is obvious that you love your family and that they in turn love you. I so desire for my children to grow to adulthood and still be close to me. Anyways…I just wanted you to know that your site brings really great “family love” feelings. 🙂

    Hi Rachelle, So nice to kind of meet you :0)
    I’m glad you have enjoyed my blog. God has blessed me richly with family relationship. Blessings on your young family!

  12. Ellen, what a wonderful transformation. I love your new bookcase. It is gorgeous. Your teapots are wonderful. Love the new black mats..your family is beautiful.. Have a great Blue Monday. hugs ~lynne~

  13. Isn’t it fun rearranging things like that! I love what you did with the bookcases, and of course, all the beautiful china pitchers, teacups, etc, on display.

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