Signs that Teach…

…Good Manners!

Small Points on Table Etiquette

Delicacy of manner at the table stamps both man and woman, for one can, at one glance, discern whether a person has been trained to eat well-i.e. to hold the knife and fork properly, to eat without the slightest sound of the lips, to drink quietly, to use the napkin rightly, to make no noise with any of the implements of the table, and last, but not least, to eat slowly and masticate the food thoroughly. All these points should be most carefully taught to children, and then they will always feel at their ease at the grandest tables in the land.

I’m linking up to ABC Wednesday for the letter G (Good Manners) with thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and to Roger and the ABC team!

I’m also linking up later this week with signs, signs hosted by Lesley!

Tonight we will be going out to celebrate our son and daughter in love’s 14th wedding anniversary. Thankfully we won’t be at the grandest table in the land and we won’t have a lot of pressure to exhibit the most perfect table manners. The celebration itself will be grand with 4 of our 6 gracing the table!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

26 thoughts on “Signs that Teach…

  1. It will be GRAND just having your loved ones around the table.
    I love to have our Girls , Husbands and Grandchildren around the table
    to enjoy a lovely dinner together, and the older Generation setting a good
    example in how to conduct oneself whilst eating together,
    Good Post Ellen,
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team .

  2. I wish more people accepted that good and gracious table manners are an important aspect of life. I cannot stand eating with people who slurp, spill, burp, and drop food everywhere. It is disGusting! My older daughter has been so well taught that she had to teach her husband during their early days together because it was a deal-breaker with her. Thankfully, she is now teaching her children not only table manners, but also day-to-day manners. Great post and have a wonderful time celebrating with your family.

    abcw team

  3. That is a great sign! It seems like those things should be common knowledge, but perhaps not.

    Happy anniversary to your son and daughter-in-law! I remember that they were married the same year (and month? August, right?) as our daughter and son-in-law. Fourteen years flies by!

  4. Table manners should be know to everyone… at least so far to be able to eat decent enoug when surrounded by strangers.

    Have a nice day,
    Melody (abc-w-team)

  5. A very happy anniversary to them! Table manners…always thought I had them until I was told that it was very impolite to butter my bread all at once. I am such a rube. Praying again for rain out there. Have heard rumors of rain in the forecast and hope that they are true.

  6. I loved the quote…..and smiled as I know that you have the ability to grace the grandest of tables, but I know you well enough to just ‘be who you need to be’. I would like to say that we should all teach those manners. I am always challenged with how many folks don’t have an idea how to grace themselves by taking on the basic etiquette principles.

  7. Congratulations on the anniversary. And Aw to the ‘daughter-in-love’. That’s SUCH a sweet expression. Suddenly daughter-in-law seems like it’s a forced relationship. Yeah good manners are important – they certainly make for pleasant company.

  8. Smiling at that sign on table manners. It really is a cultural thing, isn’t it? I was quite surprised recently when I saw our 9 year-old granddaughter keep her knife in her right hand and her fork in her left as she ate. I often cut up my food and then eat. .. but in a formal setting it feels good to do it “properly” because it tends to slows you down and enjoy each bite. Glad you could celebrate your kids anniversary!

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