The Reveal & Ceremony

She stepped out of the dressing room and stood, waiting for him to see her for the first time in her wedding gown.

Her father walked his little girl down the aisle to “Together” by Hagood Hardy from the original music score from the Sullivan Films “Anne of Green Gables”.

Her Uncle Steve performed the wedding ceremony and without Katie knowing found a beautiful quote from Anne’s House of Dreams to read to them. “…The Bird sang until the ceremony was ended and then it wound up with one mad little, glad little trill. Never had the old gray-green house among it’s enfolding orchards known a blither, merrier afternoon.” It was a service that honored God and exhorted the young couple to listen to God’s instructions for their marriage.

My father, Katie’s Dzeda, prayed a blessing over them in Russian. Passionate words of God’s protection and blessing on their union.

The kiss, the pronouncement and the recessional. Walking out to This Will Be (An Everlasting Love).

The flower girl and the ring “barrel” as my niece Hope calls it. Hope was the flower girl and Jackson was the ring barrel. I have a post coming dedicated to just the two of them.

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

22 thoughts on “The Reveal & Ceremony

  1. OK…this is rediculous…I’m mopping up happy tears here. Gotta get a grip….

    The picture of the grandfather’s pray totally got me. What a blessing to receive!

  2. Oh, I so agree with Jill! The happy tears just welled up. Hi Ellen, I’m Irene, Bev’s SIL. Love following your blog’s. Have been anticapating this wedding together with you. God is soo good!! Happy birthday. Will be celebrating with Harv & Bev tomorrow here at our house.

  3. Beautiful….I heard it was a wonderful wedding and time. And I agree, the picture of your father praying over them is just so special. I listened to “This Will Be” as I looked as these pictures and I never realized what a great song that is. Thank you for sharing all of these.

  4. tears here too – I recognized the “Anne” quotation right away – how is it that those books have such international appeal?
    Katie and Andrew just radiate joy and happiness!

  5. I’ve just spent some wonderful moments reading all the wedding posts. What a gloriously happy celebration of love. The joy on everyone’s face fairly shines through, and makes me smile as I read. Your daughter is beautiful, as are you.

    I really like the music they chose and the Anne of Green Gables tie in. And your father praying over the couple is a photo to treasure for all of life.

    Wishing you much joy as you take deep breaths and recover.

  6. Absolutely beautiful and stunning. Does it get better than this…I get goose bumps just thinking about the event, the Russian blessing of your father, the uncles exhortation, the family involvement. Maybe…some day….

  7. And so I had to run over to You Tube and find the music and play it as I read. Very special. I wish them all joys. Your father praying the blessing brought me to quick tears. I’m such a sap.

  8. Joy, indeed! The faces say it all – the joy on your daughter’s face, the awe on the face of her groom, the intensity – the love – on your father’s face as he prays the blessing….
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments!

  9. I think I’m wiping away sentimental tears, not just for the happy couple, but for you! How wonderful to see your daughter so perfectly happy. How appropriate to have family members participating in the nuptials. Looking forward to further pics. I’m quite taken with that little flower girls pretty dress!

  10. Pingback: Moisi Timothy Bagdanov (1923-2018) | The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b.

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