A Puzzling Hodgepodge

Happy last day of January everyone. Here are the Hodgepodge questions we pondered by Joyce From This Side of the Pond this week.

1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)?  How often do you work a puzzle? 

I am a jigsaw puzzle fan and I will work on them when the season is right and the time is right. While waiting for each of our grandchildren to be born we worked on a jigsaw puzzle in the hospital delivery waiting room to pass the hours away. I’ve completed two puzzles this month and am now just starting this one.

I have not gotten into sudoku or crossword puzzles. The photo at the top of this post are some of the jigsaw puzzles completed in the past year.

2. Something you currently find ‘puzzling’? 

I’m in the throws of troubling and puzzling and am wrestling with my thoughts and feelings on this issue. It’s nothing to do with my family or marriage which is a blessing but it has captured a lot of my attention. I’ll be praying and watching and waiting on how it progresses.

3. What’s your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal (new baby, bereavement, etc)? 

The go to was chicken thighs baked with Italian dressing and served with rice and whole green beans, not canned beans. Some of the ladies in our church are providing meals for someone who is undergoing aggressive treatment for breast cancer and who is too wiped out to think about cooking. I had to come up with more than my standard go to so I’m looking forward to reading what fellow Hodgepodgers share to help me come up with something new.

The photo above is a Teriyaki Glazed Skillet Chicken that I will make for the next meal for our friend. My recipe will post on Saturday.

4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network? If so, what’s your favorite program there? 

I watched more in the past but not so much anymore. In the past we enjoyed, The Kitchen on Saturday mornings. We thoroughly enjoyed all the Fixer Upper shows. When the new season of shows come on we’ll watch them. I’ve enjoyed the Food Truck challenges in the past. Flea Market Flip is another show I’ll watch once in a while if I’m sick and need to make the hours pass quicker in my head.

5.  Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence. 

I have two…

Celebrate Three birthdays and more.

Snow, Fog, rain, minus sunshine. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The top view of this collage has been the norm around our parts for many days in a row. We are hoping to see more of that bottom view soon!

See you soon, Hodgepodgers.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

16 thoughts on “A Puzzling Hodgepodge

  1. I enjoy working on the puzzles during the winter months. I like your puzzle pictures. Beautiful views of the tall pine trees! The chicken meal looks yummy! Take care, have a great day!

  2. The chicken meal looks delicious, Ellen. I will look forward to the recipe.

    That same issue has been consuming our thoughts and prayers here too, my friend. We are waiting to see where it will end.

  3. The chicken dish looks really good. I’ll look forward to that recipe. I’m sure it takes a lot of concentration and patience.

  4. That chicken looks yummy! I think soup is always a good choice because it can be frozen or eaten for lunch too. I do hope your issue is resolved with a positive outcome. There is much to puzzle over in the world today, that’s for sure. Have a nice week! Also-we got to Cambridge late summer/early fall…still pinning down details.

  5. Oh I recognize that foggy picture. One day this past weekend we had sunshine and temps in the 50’s! I opened all the windows and didn’t need my jacket when we went out! It was glorious. I hope you get some sunshine soon!

  6. Your chicken dish looks delicious! I like that before and after picture. We don’t know really cold weather her where I live. We don’t get a lot of fog here either. We have rain and cooler temps coming in and I am okay with that. I got a call from the ENT department but missed it. Hoping they can get me in sooner.

  7. I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles too. My conundrum is committing to do a puzzle but needing to have the dining room table available for guests. I probably need to invest in one of those gizmos that holds all of the pieces.

    We don’t subscribe to cable television, so we watch HGTV when we’re on vacation. Then it’s a treat!

  8. The puzzles you’ve done are really interesting and beautiful to look at! I don’t do picture puzzles, but my husband does, and I do like seeing those finished works! Hope you see some clearer weather soon!

  9. Your puzzles are amazing! So sorry about your thoughts that are going on. Wishing you peace. Your meal looks delicious. The fixer up shows are always interesting. Your randon thought photos gave me chills. We have rain today and I have to go out! Take care.

  10. Hi Ellen,

    Oh, I LOVE all your puzzles. You are definitely a pro puzzle-worker; Hal and I are nowhere near this accomplished. :D I love the Ireland puzzle (must have been a real challenge) and the Cotswolds (Chipping Camden maybe?). What a great thing you ladies are doing in preparing meals for your friend undergoing breast cancer treatment. I pray she will have a good outcome. I like your bottom snow picture; we haven’t had snow for two winters now. :(

    Hope you have a great weekend, Ellen



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