


These photos of the entertaining pests were taken last month. They are cute and entertaining but they can cause a lot of problems, too.

We are still smoky here and surrounded by fires from Canada and in our state, too. We are sorry to hear of those who have lost their homes. We are praying for all who are fighting the fires and rescuing people. We have mostly stayed in during this past week because of the very unhealthy air quality. We are also keeping an eye on the tropical storm coming up from Mexico into California and neighboring states. If that doesn’t rattle you the 5.1 magnitude earthquake close to Ojai will. We are hoping there won’t be any tornadoes!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

9 thoughts on “Chipmunks

  1. It seems there are disasters all around. The chipmunks are cute but like you said they can be pest too. I hope you and your family stay safe. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Cute little chippies! The fires are just so horrible. Wishing we could send some of our rain to the West. Stay safe over there!

  3. We have quite a few chipmunks around here that live in the rock walls. The barn cats from next door keep them under control!

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